
Profes­sio­nal faci­li­ta­tion with denk­mo­dell

Do you prefer produc­tive and lively events over tough meetings and lecture-style confe­ren­ces? Then talk to us! Toge­ther we find out which formats enable dialog and moti­vate parti­ci­pants.

Major events and func­tions

Inspi­ring congres­ses, meetings and confe­ren­ces

Team retre­ats, team days & team events

From substan­tive exch­ange to infor­mal toge­ther­ness

Leader­ship and manage­ment retre­ats

Out of the daily routine, into the focus!

Agile contexts

Open space, clear frame­work

Conflic­tual situa­tions & nego­tia­ti­ons

Beco­ming cons­truc­tive toge­ther

Virtual faci­li­ta­tion

Fully present and effec­tive – also online

By the way, in our faci­li­ta­tion trai­nings we regu­larly fami­lia­rize you with the craft basics of mode­ra­tion (in the virtual and in the mate­rial world) and intro­duce you to the art of visua­liza­tion. Please do not hesi­tate to cont­act us, we are at your dispo­sal for a non-binding infor­ma­tion meeting.

“We were unani­mous in our opinion that this was a very excel­lent retreat. I have seldom seen the manage­ment group in such a consen­sual and good mood after a closed meeting. The two faci­li­ta­tors guided us through the two days in a very profes­sio­nal manner and in the best possi­ble way accor­ding to our needs.”

Dr. Doro­thea Bron­ner
Mana­ging Direc­tor of the GBA (Joint Fede­ral Commit­tee)