Hybrid performing orga­niza­tion

The 1−5−6 formula: one key, five levers and six phases of trans­for­ma­tion

Hybrid trans­for­ma­tion as a ques­tion of cultu­ral change

Hybrid working has come to stay. While this realiza­tion has quickly taken hold, many leaders and execu­ti­ves are wonde­ring how to effec­tively manage the change to a hybrid working orga­niza­tion. Does this also apply to you? Formula 1−5−6 (see graphic) provi­des an answer to this and gets to the heart of what really matters in trans­for­ma­tion.

We are commit­ted to enab­ling orga­niza­ti­ons to find and follow their own deve­lo­p­ment path towards beco­ming hybrid performing orga­niza­ti­ons. We are convin­ced that the key lies in under­stan­ding the trans­for­ma­tion as a ques­tion of cultu­ral change, because in a hybrid performing orga­niza­tion the nature of inter­ac­tion and coope­ra­tion between employees chan­ges funda­men­tally.


In the HYBRID PERFORMING ORGA­NIZA­TION, work takes place to a high degree inde­pendently of loca­tion (on-site and online) and time (synchro­nous and asyn­chro­nous) on an equal footing. Rethin­king spaces and roles is neces­sary and possi­ble.

© denk­mo­dell / Virtilitation.com

People in work-sharing proces­ses inter­act with each other to a high degree inde­pen­dent of loca­tion (on-site and online) and time (synchro­nous and asyn­chro­nous). At the same time, all employees must be able to behave in a subjec­tively meaningful way in terms of the orga­niza­tion and its value crea­tion. This makes it neces­sary to adapt essen­tial elements of the formal orga­niza­tion in order to create the appro­priate frame­work for employees. Five levers (see graphic) provide guidance on where orga­niza­ti­ons can start in very prac­ti­cal terms to effec­tively trans­form their culture. But how to get star­ted and make the change process effec­tive? A deli­be­rate progres­sion through six phases (see graphic) of change ensu­res that the trans­for­ma­tion does not fizzle out, so that the hybrid performing orga­niza­tion can be coura­ge­ously initia­ted, accom­pa­nied & prac­ti­ced, and perpe­tua­ted & cultu­rally ancho­red in a sustainable manner.

5 Levers and their charac­te­ristics

© denk­mo­dell / Virtilitation.com


You want to make your team, your depart­ment or the whole orga­niza­tion fit for hybrid working? We have four offers for you and are available for a non-binding discus­sion.

Impulse lecture

You would like to get an over­view of the topic for yours­elf and your orga­niza­tion first?

In our 45-minute keynote presen­ta­tion, we will intro­duce you to what makes a hybrid performing orga­niza­tion and what really matters in trans­for­ma­tion.

Leader­ship work­shop

Are you facing the decis­ion to trans­form your orga­niza­tion into a hybrid performing orga­niza­tion, but still have doubts?

We work with you to deve­lop a coher­ent picture of these ques­ti­ons: What inter­nal and exter­nal influen­cing factors and trends are you confron­ted with as an orga­niza­tion and what impact does this have on your busi­ness model? What is a hybrid performing orga­niza­tion and how might trans­for­ma­tion have stra­te­gic value for your orga­niza­tion? What might a shift toward a hybrid performing orga­niza­tion look like in prac­ti­cal terms?

Orga­niza­tio­nal diagno­sis

They are waiting in the wings or are alre­ady in the midst of a trans­for­ma­tion toward a hybrid performing orga­niza­tion. Now you are unde­ci­ded what the first concrete step could be?

Our orga­niza­tio­nal diagno­sis gives you a solid orien­ta­tion. Because we offer a fresh view from the outside! We gain an insight into your proces­ses and struc­tures, conduct one-on-one and focus group inter­views for this purpose, and sift through rele­vant data and docu­ments. We then reflect back to you what we percei­ved with regard to the five levers of change towards a hybrid performing orga­niza­tion and provide recom­men­da­ti­ons on possi­ble actions.

Change accom­p­animent

You have set the course and would like profes­sio­nal support on your way to beco­ming a hybrid performing orga­niza­tion?

We are happy to support you with the help of our Formula 1−5−6! In doing so, we iden­tify the key elements of your formal orga­niza­tion that need to be chan­ged. Step by step, we work with you on the crucial levers to trans­form the orga­niza­tio­nal culture into a lean and sustainable change process. We adapt the scope and inten­sity of our support to your speci­fic needs and provide you with advice and assis­tance.

We rely on strong colla­bo­ra­ti­ons: We deve­lop our offe­rings around hybrid performing orga­niza­ti­ons in colla­bo­ra­tion with Virti­li­ta­tion. You can find more infor­ma­tion to Virti­li­ta­tion here .

Would you like support on your jour­ney to beco­ming a hybrid performing orga­niza­tion?

We are at your dispo­sal for a non-binding, infor­ma­tive chat!