Making change easy

Not so easy, you think? True. Unless you have us at your side. We accom­pany you – whether you face team buil­ding chal­lenges, a tedious change process or manage­ment problems. With over 30 years of expe­ri­ence and a secret to success: We always focus on a thri­ving orga­niza­tion. Yet, what we never forget: It is people who shape orga­niza­ti­ons. And change. It’s easy. You’ll see.

Orga­niza­tio­nal deve­lo­p­ment

Every project is diffe­rent, but we always approach colla­bo­ra­tion the same way: with a lot of expe­ri­ence, many ques­ti­ons and an open ear. How can we support you at deve­lo­ping your orga­niza­tion?


Do you prefer produc­tive and lively events over tough meetings and lecture-style confe­ren­ces? Toge­ther we will find the right format for you!


Do you want to streng­then your skills, become an orga­niza­tio­nal deve­lo­per, lead more effec­tively or rede­sign colla­bo­ra­tion? Here you will find trai­nings and educa­tion for people who want to change (them­sel­ves).

This is a denk­mo­dell

  • 30 years of expe­ri­ence
  • 25 consul­tants
  • 8 languages
  • 1 team
Some of our consul­tants during a work­shop

From our work

A photo of Philipp Scharff.

Between People and Orga­niza­tion: The Role of Leader­ship

What is the role of leader­ship? Brin­ging orga­niza­ti­ons and people toge­ther. In this article, consul­tant and trai­ner Phil­ipp Scharff explains what this means for leaders.

Illustration of 3 people spinning gears together.

Role-based work for opti­mal value crea­tion

Every person carries a whole bunch of roles with thems­elf through life. Not only priva­tely. Used correctly, role-based work in orga­niza­ti­ons ensu­res opti­mal value crea­tion.

denkmodell colleagues at a team meeting
Team Days 2023

Out into nature, into the Big Five

Setting things in motion – this is not only our motto in orga­niza­tio­nal deve­lo­p­ment. Some­ti­mes we take it quite lite­rally — for exam­ple, at our 2023 Team Days.

Our next trai­nings

Whether leader­ship deve­lo­p­ment, faci­li­ta­tion trai­ning or agile methods – the cour­ses of our academy get you and your orga­niza­tion moving forward. Here you will find the next dates.

Trai­ning Change Manage­ment

So manches Change-Projekt ist schon geschei­tert, bevor es beginnt. Wegen Wider­stän­den, schlech­ter Planung, mangeln­der Trans­pa­renz. Wir zeigen Ihnen in unse­rem Change Manage­ment Trai­ning wie es anders geht.
13. Jan. 2025 – 09. Mar. 2025

Trai­ning Agile Metho­den

Design Thin­king, Scrum, Kanban, Lean: Sie haben den Über­blick verlo­ren? Wir zeigen Ihnen den Weg durch den Metho­den­dschun­gel. Und wieder heraus – mit der Methode im Gepäck, die am besten zu Ihnen passt.
07. – 08. Apr. 2025

Trai­ning Agile Metho­den

Design Thin­king, Scrum, Kanban, Lean: Sie haben den Über­blick verlo­ren? Wir zeigen Ihnen den Weg durch den Metho­den­dschun­gel. Und wieder heraus – mit der Methode im Gepäck, die am besten zu Ihnen passt.
11. – 12. Sep. 2025

Trai­ning Change Manage­ment

So manches Change-Projekt ist schon geschei­tert, bevor es beginnt. Wegen Wider­stän­den, schlech­ter Planung, mangeln­der Trans­pa­renz. Wir zeigen Ihnen in unse­rem Change Manage­ment Trai­ning wie es anders geht.
15. Sep. 2025 – 09. Oct. 2025
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