Team retre­ats, team days & team events

No matter the occa­sion for your team, we sure have a fitting format.

Photo of two people in front of a drinks buffet talking.

A joint team retreat – ideally far away from the hustle and bustle of ever­y­day work – provi­des a good oppor­tu­nity for inte­rim review and agree­ments for future colla­bo­ra­tion. The focus of our team retre­ats is the exch­ange within the team on ques­ti­ons such as:

  • What are roles and prin­ci­ples of our coope­ra­tion?
  • How are tasks distri­bu­ted?
  • How is this percei­ved within the orga­niza­tion?

In addi­tion to a struc­tu­red frame­work for content-rela­ted exch­ange, we also always tie in moments for “infor­mal toge­ther­ness” – whether it’s an excur­sion, a team event or an evening out. Ideally, a team retreat offers suffi­ci­ent space for getting to know each other, exchan­ging ideas and compa­ring expec­ta­ti­ons. This crea­tes trust and a solid base for colla­bo­ra­tion – even when things get busy or turbu­lent.

Would you like to promote exch­ange within your team?

We are at your dispo­sal for a non-binding infor­ma­tion meeting!