Leader­ship retre­ats

Seeing more clearly – thanks to a little distance

Execu­tive retre­ats with denk­mo­dell bring execu­ti­ves into conver­sa­tion with each other. Far away from the opera­tio­nal hustle and bustle, we faci­li­tate your event in such a way that it runs in a goal-orien­ted, struc­tu­red and spacious manner, allo­wing you to concen­trate on the content-rela­ted issues.

“Clas­sic” ques­ti­ons include:

  • What are dyna­mics like in teams and in the over­all orga­niza­tion?
  • What stra­te­gic guide­lines are we pursuing toge­ther?
  • What leader­ship styles and prin­ci­ples are important to us?
  • How can we learn from each other?
Far away from the opera­tio­nal hustle and bustle, we faci­li­tate your event in such a way that it runs in a targe­ted, struc­tu­red and spacious manner

Want to give your leader­ship team more focus?

We are at your dispo­sal for a non-binding, infor­ma­tive chat!