Hybrid performing organization
The 1−5−6 formula: one key, five levers and six phases of transformation
Hybrid transformation as a question of cultural change
Hybrid working has come to stay. While this realization has quickly taken hold, many leaders and executives are wondering how to effectively manage the change to a hybrid working organization. Does this also apply to you? Formula 1−5−6 (see graphic) provides an answer to this and gets to the heart of what really matters in transformation.
We are committed to enabling organizations to find and follow their own development path towards becoming hybrid performing organizations. We are convinced that the key lies in understanding the transformation as a question of cultural change, because in a hybrid performing organization the nature of interaction and cooperation between employees changes fundamentally.

© denkmodell / Virtilitation.com
People in work-sharing processes interact with each other to a high degree independent of location (on-site and online) and time (synchronous and asynchronous). At the same time, all employees must be able to behave in a subjectively meaningful way in terms of the organization and its value creation. This makes it necessary to adapt essential elements of the formal organization in order to create the appropriate framework for employees. Five levers (see graphic) provide guidance on where organizations can start in very practical terms to effectively transform their culture. But how to get started and make the change process effective? A deliberate progression through six phases (see graphic) of change ensures that the transformation does not fizzle out, so that the hybrid performing organization can be courageously initiated, accompanied & practiced, and perpetuated & culturally anchored in a sustainable manner.
5 Levers and their characteristics

You want to make your team, your department or the whole organization fit for hybrid working? We have four offers for you and are available for a non-binding discussion.
Impulse lecture
You would like to get an overview of the topic for yourself and your organization first?
In our 45-minute keynote presentation, we will introduce you to what makes a hybrid performing organization and what really matters in transformation.
Leadership workshop
Are you facing the decision to transform your organization into a hybrid performing organization, but still have doubts?
We work with you to develop a coherent picture of these questions: What internal and external influencing factors and trends are you confronted with as an organization and what impact does this have on your business model? What is a hybrid performing organization and how might transformation have strategic value for your organization? What might a shift toward a hybrid performing organization look like in practical terms?
Organizational diagnosis
They are waiting in the wings or are already in the midst of a transformation toward a hybrid performing organization. Now you are undecided what the first concrete step could be?
Our organizational diagnosis gives you a solid orientation. Because we offer a fresh view from the outside! We gain an insight into your processes and structures, conduct one-on-one and focus group interviews for this purpose, and sift through relevant data and documents. We then reflect back to you what we perceived with regard to the five levers of change towards a hybrid performing organization and provide recommendations on possible actions.
Change accompaniment
You have set the course and would like professional support on your way to becoming a hybrid performing organization?
We are happy to support you with the help of our Formula 1−5−6! In doing so, we identify the key elements of your formal organization that need to be changed. Step by step, we work with you on the crucial levers to transform the organizational culture into a lean and sustainable change process. We adapt the scope and intensity of our support to your specific needs and provide you with advice and assistance.
We rely on strong collaborations: We develop our offerings around hybrid performing organizations in collaboration with Virtilitation. You can find more information to Virtilitation here .
Would you like support on your journey to becoming a hybrid performing organization?
We are at your disposal for a non-binding, informative chat!